Great place!! They Went above and beyond. Very nice people. Great job and good prices too. Thank you so much!!
- Brenda Fletcher L.
Everyone is super nice here! Andrew who did the maintenance work on my car did a good job. Thanks guys!
- Victoria K.
Good family. great service
- Samuel D.
Only place around I could find tires for a reasonably priced and same day. Excellent employees, fast workers.
- Mary G.
Great service more than what I expected for a really good price.
- Wendell P.
Great small town service station. They have a repair shop tire sales need to get your annual inspection they offer that also. They offer diesel,gas,ethanol free gas amd propane.
- Art W.
Got in & out in an hour with snow treads & he checked the other tires so I was able to get to work. He did most of the work before his crew got there. I left with no worries...🤗
- Pauline H.
Great service, knowledgeable mechanics, decent prices. They do tires, inspection, brakes, etc. They also have gas here.
- Jesse V.
Full professional service and tire shop. Best in the area!
- Al C.
Full professional service and tire shop. Best in the area!
- Jeremiah M.
Mike is my buddy helps me out every time I need him even in a pinch.
- Rita L.
Great quality gas, ethonal free gas as well!
- Tawni S.
Mike's good people. Get your tires there.
- Mark A.
Nice staff. Very strict on inspection
- Samuel T.
Great service super nice employees quick service
- Heather B.
Great customer service.
- Alexis M.
Great people, good service.
- John Z.
Always very clean and organized appearing
- Mark C.
Friendly small town folk!
- Sarah
Workers are very helpful.
- JoAnn L.